Innovation, Strategy, Solutions: A Trusted Partner for




Miura & Partners USは、2025年2月より、ワシントン州シアトル市に拠点を開設することとなりました。シアトルオフィスは、Baxter Law International創設者で、日米間のビジネスにおける企業法務やM&A、雇用法などの分野で豊かな経験をもつバクスター恵里子が代表弁護士を務め、リードします。

Miura & Partners US について

Miura & Partners USは、三浦法律事務所の米国における戦略的提携事務所です。Miura & Partners USはサンフランシスコとシアトルを拠点に、日本企業の⽶国進出やM&A(および⽶国企業の⽇本進出やM&A)、クロスボーダービジネスにおける税務や雇用に関する法的アドバイスを提供します。経験豊富な日英バイリンガルの弁護⼠チームによる質の高いサービスで、グローバルビジネスを展開するクライアントをサポートします。

Miura & Partners US は、多国籍企業法務に特化した法律事務所です。20年以上にわたり、日本企業やその米国子会社およびスピンオフ企業へ戦略的アドバイスを提供してまいりました。その経験をもとに、熟練したスタッフが下記に関するリーガル・アドバイスをお届けします。









オフィス / ロケーション





Eriko “Elly” Baxter

[email protected]




Haruko DeArth

Miura&Partners USの国際ビジネス・スペシャリスト。萬タシャ弁護士、アニー・ルゥ弁護士と密に連携し、多様な法律・ビジネス案件を取りまとめ、クライアントへのシームレスなサービス提供をナビゲートする。プロジェクトマネージメント、戦略的プランニング、影響力評価、ビジネス交渉、バイリンガル・バイカルチュラルな環境におけるコミュニケーションを専門とする。

山梨県甲府市出身、米国に20年以上在住。旧ユーゴやカンボジアでの非営利人道支援活動、政治ジャーナリズム、日米の民間企業での企画開発・マネージメントなどの職務経験を持つ。前職は、YPS International USA(日系ローカライゼーション・翻訳会社の米国子会社)のディレクターとして、顧客の製品やサービスをローカルの言語、文化、ビジネス習慣、法的要件等に合わせて現地化するサービスを提供し、クライアントの海外事業展開やマーケティングをサポートした。

北日本商工会議所の前理事で、現在はサンフランシスコに所在する非営利の劇団Theatre of Yugenの理事長を務める。アーティストでもあり、Lovethewayの創設者として、書道をインスピレーションに文字の力と美しさを表現するアート、エッセイ、およびビデオコンテンツを創作する。国境をまたいだ人とビジネスの発展に役立つソリューションを提供し、目標の実現をサポートするのがミッション。

Kaori Kasai

公認会計士であり、Miura & Partners US の税務スペシャリストとして、 国際税務、コーポレート、M&A、戦略的事業提携、商事取引、ライセンシング、労務の分野において税務的見地からの戦略的アドバイスを提供している。過去20年以上にわたり、多国籍企業を対象に、日米両国における会計、給与計算、税務申告書作成、税務コンサルティング、税務調査対策に関与してきた。世界四大会計事務所の東京、ニューヨーク、サンフランシスコで勤務した経験から、日米両国の会計および税制上の慣行を理解しており、日英バイリンガルであることに加え、日米両国に幅広いネットワークを有する。


Anne C. Lew

租税法/会社法の専門弁護士。税法学の修士号(LL.M.)を取得し、過去15年にわたり、Miura & Partners US の結束力あるリーガル・チームの中枢メンバーとして、国際税務や会社法をはじめとする分野で実績を積んできた。現在、同事務所の国際税務プラクティス部門のリーダーを務め、多国籍企業とその米国子会社を対象に、米国およびカリフォルニア州で運営するための税務対策やクロスボーダー取引における税務や会社法の問題について助言を提供している。また、同法律事務所の公認会計士をはじめクライアントの社内外の税務アドバイザーとも緊密に協働しながら、クライアントの事業の効率的な拡張・拡大にむけた税務対策や企業戦略を提供する。

クライアント企業の経営戦略やクロスボーダー取引に影響を及ぼしかねない租税問題を事前に見極め対処するためのアドバイスに注力している。このため、Miura & Partners US のクライアントとは、新規案件の時点から関係を構築するよう努めている。特定の業界や企業構造に関与する税務問題を指摘できる知識や経験も備えている。



Tasha A. Yorozu

京都・滋賀育ち。米国にてMBA と 法務博士号(J.D.)を取得後、Miura & Partners US を創設し代表弁護士を務める。クロスボーダー取引に関する多国籍企業へのリーガル・アドバイスに20年以上の実績を持つ。日本企業やその米国子会社による日米間の投資案件を専門とし、Miura & Partners US の企業法務、M&A、テクノロジー・トランザクション/商業取引および雇用法に関する案件の責任者を務める。




Sam L. Suttle

Mr. Suttle is the business manager for Miura & Partners US. Responsible for the strategic planning and daily HR, Finance/Accounting, and IT operations of the law firm.

Haruko DeArth

Ms. DeArth is an International Business Specialist at Miura & Partners US, working closely with Ms. Yorozu and Ms. Lew to facilitate and provide the firm’s legal and business counseling to multinational clients. She specializes in project management, strategic business planning, impact assessment, negotiation, and internal and external communication in bilingual and bicultural settings.

Originally from Japan and living in the US for 20+ years, Ms. DeArth’s professional experience includes non-profit humanitarian aid work in developing countries, political journalism, and business development and management for nonprofit and for-profit corporations in the US and Japan. Prior to joining Miura & Partners US, Ms. DeArth was a director of YPS International, a US subsidiary of a Japanese localization and translation company, supporting the globalization efforts of YPS’ corporate clients as they adapt their products and services to the local language, culture, business customs, and regulatory requirements.

Ms. DeArth has served on the Board of Directors of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Northern California and is the current Board President of the Theatre of Yugen. Ms. DeArth is also an artist and the founder of Lovetheway, a creator of visual art, written works, and video content inspired by the power and beauty of traditional Japanese calligraphy. Ms. DeArth enjoys serving mission-driven clients (corporations, NPOs, and individuals) in finding solutions as they build and expand their businesses across borders.

Eriko (Elly) Baxter

[email protected]

Eriko “Elly” Baxter is an international and business lawyer who has experience in both the United States and Japan. Focusing on a US-Japan business practice, she advises US business owners in the sale of their products and services in Japan through alliances with Japanese companies. She also assists Japanese companies on choice of entity for their business expansion in the US. Born, raised, and having work experience in Japan, her strengths include not only her skills to navigate through legal technicalities, such as company formation and cross-border transaction agreements, but also her ability to connect two different languages and cultures, for the clients to achieve success.

Elly is also passionate about empowering local businesses. She has advised Seattle-based businesses on a wide range of business matters, including employment issues, commercial lease agreements, copyright and trademark protection, and divestiture. While assisting local businesses, she emphasizes her practice on IT service transactions, software licensing, and hardware sales, as she handled countless technology deals during her time as in-house counsel with a major US based IT company in Japan. She also concentrates her practice on mergers and acquisitions, as her experience includes domestic and large-scale cross-border transactions, including consolidation of companies, asset purchase, sale of business, and company spin-offs. The scale of the commercial transactions Elly has handled is up to several hundred million dollars, including mergers and acquisitions and technology deals.

Elly has also built a great understanding of Japanese business and culture through many years of legal experience in both the US and Japan as well as her active involvement in the Japanese business community in the Seattle area. Such experience has to a great extent involved international and domestic business transactions.

Kaori Kasai

Kaori Kasai is a Tax Specialist in Miura & Partners US’ (M&P US) International Taxation, Corporate, M&A, Strategic Alliances, Commercial Transactions, and Employment law practices. Ms. Kasai is a CPA with more than 20 years of experience advising multinational corporations on accounting, payroll, taxation, tax consultation, and audit defense matters in the United States and Japan. Before joining M&P US, Ms. Kasai worked for three of the Big Four accounting firms in Tokyo, New York, and San Francisco. With a broad professional network in both countries and fluent in Japanese and English, Ms. Kasai understands Japanese and U.S. accounting and taxation practices, enabling her to provide tailored, strategic accounting and tax planning and transactional advice to our multinational clients.

Ms. Kasai’s tax advice includes risk analysis and guidance on minimizing tax liabilities, research on tax treaties and permanent establishment matters, and input on corporate and individual taxpayer status and reporting obligations. Her cross-border transactional tax advice includes conducting research and comparative numeric analyses of transactions, performing due diligence, and providing recommendations on transaction structures and reorganizations. As a CPA, she is able to facilitate transactions by effectively communicating on tax issues with our clients’ CFOs, in-house and external tax advisors and accountants. She also prepares tax forms and filings and manages tax audits.

Anne C. Lew

Anne Lew is a senior tax and corporate attorney at Miura & Partners US (M&P US), where she leads the firm’s International Taxation practice. Having practiced with members of M&P US for more than 15 years, she is a vital member of our cohesive, collaborative legal team. With a strong background in international taxation and corporate law, and a Master of Laws degree (LL.M.) in Taxation, Ms. Lew advises multinational corporations and their U.S. subsidiaries on U.S. and California tax planning and on tax and corporate issues in cross-border transactions. And, she works closely with M&P US’ in-house CPA and our clients’ in-house and outside tax advisors to develop tax and corporate strategies to efficiently expand and grow our clients’ businesses.

Ms. Lew is involved from the inception of M&P US’ relationships with our clients because we understand the importance of proactively identifying and addressing tax issues that may affect our clients’ corporate planning or cross-border transactions. Having advised multinational companies of all sizes across a broad range of industries, she understands and can pinpoint tax issues relevant to specific industries or corporate structures.

Her comprehensive international tax planning advice includes evaluating corporate frameworks, counseling on transfer pricing to facilitate tax savings, and reviewing tax treaties between countries. Focused on minimizing tax effects in cross-border transactions, she provides guidance on structuring transactions, counsel on tax withholding obligations, and recommendations on tax-efficient asset transfer.

Ms. Lew also advises M&P US clients on corporate law matters related to formation, financing, operations, M&A, strategic alliances, and licensing. And, she counsels clients on employment law issues, such as hiring and firing, compensation, discrimination, and harassment.

Tasha A. Yorozu

Tasha Yorozu is the Managing Attorney at Miura & Partners US and Chair of the firm’s Corporate, M&A, Technology and Media Licensing, and Employment Law practices. She has more than 20 years of experience advising multinational corporations on cross-border transactions, with a particular expertise representing Japanese companies and their U.S. subsidiaries on their investments in the United States and Japan.

Raised in Kyoto, Ms. Yorozu moved to the United States to begin her professional education and launch her legal practice. After graduating with an M.B.A. and a J.D., she began working with multinational clients, capitalizing on her fluency in Japanese and English, and her understanding of business, legal and cultural practices in Japan and the United States. As her legal practice grew, she worked on increasingly complicated cross-border transactions, honing her legal and negotiation skills in specific areas, such as M&A and technology and media licensing. And, she built a legal team with complementary backgrounds to support her clients. She also developed strong relationships within the Japanese American legal and business community.

Today, she represents some of Japan’s largest corporations and their U.S. subsidiaries as outside general counsel in the areas of corporate, M&A, technology and media licensing, and employment law, advising them on strategies and best practices to help achieve their business objectives while minimizing legal risk.

Her several decades of experience advising multinational corporations on complex cross-border transactions, combined with her Japanese/English bilingual communication skills and deep understanding of Japanese and U.S. legal frameworks, business practices, and corporate cultures, enables her to effectively communicate with multiple parties to efficiently negotiate and close deals.